Special Registration Petition
Office of the Registrar


1.     Departments must complete the form, entering email addresses for student, instructor, chair and dean so the form can route for approval. 

2.     All approvals must be completed by the Add/Drop Deadline for the specified term and session. See the Important Dates page for deadlines.

3.     After all approvers sign, the form routes back to the department so the Department Admin can build the course and enroll the student. 

4.     A copy of the completed form will be sent to the student and all approvers. The completed form will also be sent to Registrar’s to review course information.


NOTE: Students are responsible for payment of any enrollment through Special Registration by the established deadlines.
COURSE INFORMATION (Must be exactly as listed in the university catalog) :                                        

APPROVER INFORMATION                                       
For Department Use Only